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Tag: wip


I’m actually participating in the KAL at my LYS, even though it ended in disaster last time I did. We’re making Creme Brulee, which is a really cute, super simple lace top for layering.


Amazingly, I found out about a fair isle class happening shortly after I posted about wanting to learn fair isle. I took it as a sign from the gods and signed up. I’m making a hat!


Since I no longer have my original 198 Yds of Heaven shawlette, I’m making a new one for myself! This one is made out of Tosh Vingate, in Tart, and I will fight anybody that tries to get this one from me!


This week, I’ve got some Charade socks on needles, and I’m almost done with my Mondo hood, and *gasp*, The Sweater I (mostly) No Longer Speak Of™.

WIP – Central Park Hoodie | katili*made |

I’m making a sweater, because we haven’t already seen me fail at large item knitting! This one is going much more smoothly though, and I actually have hope of finishing it in the near-ish future.

Follow @katilimade