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Tag: peekaboo patterns

Arrows Tie Front Tee

I can’t believe I never blogged about this adorable tie-front shirt I made for Zoe! It’s coming up on the kind of weather where I need to make her a few more of these, because it’s just so stinking cute! She liked it more than her face let on haha.

Purple Hoodie | katili*made

So it turns out outerwear isn’t as hard as it seems, and zippers aren’t the end of the world.

Floral Cinch Dress | katili*made |

It’s my favorite fashion time of year, boots and tights weather! Zoe is taking up the mantle of wearing those with cute dresses, and we have 3 to share today.

Plum Floral Outfit | katili*made |

12m of Zoe is concluded! A simple peplum and leggings made from the same fabric as her 1m photos brings the whole project full circle, and I’m pleased as punch to have met my goal.


Zoe’s monthdays and birthday have come and gone, and I have been terrible about blogging it! Here are her 9, 10, and 11 month outfits.

Maroon + Mustard Outfit | katili*made |

Zoe’s half-year outfit just screams Autumn! A mustard waffle knit cardigan pairs beautifully with a maroon and plum floral top, and maroon shorties and headband.

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