There was never a WIP post for these, since they knit up so quickly, but I want to show off my very first knitted baby items. One of my friends from high school just had a baby boy, so I made some booties and a hat for him!
This post is like a two-for-one special; not only are there pictures, but there’s also two tips on how to photograph baby items when there is no baby nearby to put them on! Desmond is 1000 miles away, so I had to improvise.
Tip #1: When photographing baby booties without baby feet in them, nail polish bottles make a decent substitute.

Tip #2: When photographing a baby hat without a baby head, an 18-55 camera lens makes a surprisingly good filler. The hat is not baby-head round, but at least it’s not just laying flat.

I loooooove the little topknot so much! Also, I’m shocked at my ribbing – the stitches are the exact same size as the body, but since I suck at ribbing, I used a smaller needle. Only in this case, the difference is nuts: I knit the hat on 6’s but the ribbing on 2’s! I don’t know what I’m doing wrong that my ribbing turns out so loose, but hey, at least I know how to work around it!
And now to pester my friend for baby pictures in handmade hat and booties….
Minding My Own Stitches
13 years agoAlthough your ribbing perplexes me, the hat looks darling. Apparently newborns don’t move around much so a fitted hat is less important when the little ones are wee!