They say that a girl can never have enough purses. I used to disagree, until I started sewing them. Now I must have ALL THE BAGS! Ahem.
Showoff Bag from Made By Rae is one of the best bag patterns that I’ve sewn. It’s a good size, and I really like the way it will fall open if I drop one strap off my shoulder so I can easily reach into it, but it doesn’t get lopsided like it’s going to fall. I’ve blogged about how the first one I made instantly became my new favorite back when I made it, and it remains high on the list. Sadly, I dropped something on it and it got dirty, and the washer was not kind to it.
So, I decided to make another one, because why not!

I saw the bright happy flowers and while yellow isn’t normally my color, it’s starting off as a pretty gloomy Spring here in Everett. I needed something bright and cheerful, so yellow it was! Once again, I lined the bag with chevrons. Maybe the next one I make will be different, but why fix it if it ain’t broke? I love chevrons so very much!

I added in a zippered pocket like I did on the last one, though for some reason this one went in a little wonky. I must be out of practice, maybe I should make some more zipper pouches to get back in the groove!
The fabric is actually a bit darker than these photos, but with the gloom and all, it’s hard to get color accurate photos. This one is a bit closer.

I just finished sewing last night, so when I go grocery shopping today my bag will get it’s first glimpse at the real world! I wonder if anybody will comment on it.. time will tell! I still have a small bit of all three fabrics, I’m thinking maybe a little tiny coin purse like Noodlehead’s Zippy Pouch! Another good opportunity to practice my zips and get out of that funk.
11 years agoSo spring like! I love it.
11 years agolove it!! super cheerful!
11 years agoHello spring! Love these bright colours. Lovely and fresh.