I have been so bad at this blogging thing lately! It makes me sad. I’ve been trying to take baby steps to get back into it, so I’ve been posting more photos on Instagram and Flickr, but that’s just not the same. I think that the biggest hurdle is that since I do tech support for the bulk of my income, I already spend all day typing, so it’s exhausting to try to think of more things to say during my personal time.
But enough of that, this blog posts is about things I’ve made! Recently my cousin and his girlfriend had twins (a boy and a girl!) and an old coworker and his wife just had a little boy, so I made some blankets and burp rags to send to them. Behold the cuteness!

The blankets are really just 44″ squares with rounded corners (I used a bowl for the shape) and some piping, made of a nice soft flannel. They are super cuddly and probably way too warm for little Southern California babies haha. Those kids will never be cold. The burp rags are made from The Perfect Burp Cloth pattern from So Sew Easy. I don’t have any kids but I did a LOT of babysitting, and burped a lot of babies; the shape of these is good because it doesn’t shift or bunch up on your shoulder. I just hope the terry cloth is absorbent enough!
The other blanket is flannel on the back and cotton on the front; the color scheme matches the nursery my friends have for the baby, and the little woodland critters are so cute! I love that I was able to find a larger print for the blanket and a smaller one for the burp rags. And gosh, I just LOVE the piped edges of the blankets so much! It makes them look super fancy without making them too hard.
I’ve got a baby shower to go to in a couple weeks, so I have one more baby blanket to make. They’re having a super hero theme, and I found the most PERFECT fabric for it. Look at this cute Super Kids print! For variety, I think I’ll made the blanket using a self-binding method (but with flannel instead of minky because I don’t hate myself), and instead of burp cloths I’m considering this portable changing pad (with a layer of quilt batting to make it a little more padded).
Little things are just so fun to sew! Do you guys feel like everyone is having babies too? What have you made for the never-ending baby showers?
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