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Year: 2014

Ruby Top

I made a second Ruby, and this one turned out amazingly! It’s fully lined, made of a very sweet fabric, and has a ruffle detail on the bottom. This one is a long top rather than a full dress.

WIP – Froot Loop

Despite my tendency to jump from project to project for the sake of something new and exciting, I’m making an effort to pick up and finish some of those old, forgotten projects. Lately I’ve been working on a two-year-old pair of Froot Loop socks, and am making good progress! One down, one to go.




I briefly blogged about this hat when I finished it, but I’ve finally gotten around to taking some proper photos of it! Also, let’s welcome Jessica (the foam-head) back to her post!

WIP – Birthday Hat for Podling

This simple ribbed hat is coming along nicely, and should actually be finished in time to not be a late birthday gift for it’s lucky recipient!

Showoff Bag

They say that a girl can never have enough purses. I used to disagree, until I started sewing them. Now I must have ALL THE BAGS! Ahem. My first Showoff Bag is looking a little worn, so I made a new one.

FO – Tulip Mitts Test Knit

This week I did a test knit of some adorable tulip fair isle fingerless mitts. They knit up quickly and are pretty comfy in Knit Picks Palette.

FO – Lettuce Ishbel

I finished up my Ishbel, and like everything else knit in Malabrigo anything, it’s gorgeous and soft, mmm!

WIP – Brancing Out

In true Katie fashion, I always have to start new projects even though I still have some sitting around languishing. I actually started this on the airplane to Los Angeles where I attended my uncle’s beautiful wedding, but since my flights were at 6am (an ungodly hour that I hate seeing) I didn’t get much done due to falling asleep. So I’m only two pattern repeats in so far, but that’s more than enough for a photograph!

Follow @katilimade