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Month: April 2011


Amazingly, I found out about a fair isle class happening shortly after I posted about wanting to learn fair isle. I took it as a sign from the gods and signed up. I’m making a hat!


Since I no longer have my original 198 Yds of Heaven shawlette, I’m making a new one for myself! This one is made out of Tosh Vingate, in Tart, and I will fight anybody that tries to get this one from me!

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

Tuesday was my Pod’s birthday, and the standing tradition is that I bake him cupcakes for his birthday, because he doesn’t like birthday cake. This year, I took his love for the microcake, and his love for snickerdoodle cupcakes, and mashed them into yummy snickerdoodle cupcakes!

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